Alta Buden is a New York based visual artist concerned with our relationship to the environment. Her work draws on her studies of evolutionary biology, her childhood experience of new age mysticism and the time she spent working with scientists at The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, IL.
Her practice is rooted in the sites were she works, often outdoors, using water, rocks and other natural forms as a visual source. Her process involves “recording” the environment, using various mediums to capture the data, history and memories present in the ever-shifting and evolving landscape. Her pieces become vessels of sorts, mediating the human experience of nature while holding the biological, and geological forms from their origins.
Her work has been exhibited in New York and Chicago and has been shown at the Smart Museum of Art (IL) and the Museum of Contemporary Art (IL). She received a Pollock-Krasner Fellowship in 2013. She has degrees in Visual Arts, and History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Chicago. She holds an MFA from Hunter College (2017) with a certificate in curatorial studies and was a member of Regina Rex an artist run gallery on the Lower East Side in Manhattan, NY.